Basking Ridge Spousal Support Attorney
Divorce brings about a lot of challenges for spouses, and the issue of how to financially sustain themselves in the manner they have become accustomed to is certainly one of them. Spousal support-the legal term for alimony, which it is often called-is a means to help a spouse who would otherwise be damaged financially by a divorce.
Gary Blaustein, Attorney is an experienced spousal support lawyer, with over 35 years of experience. Call his Basking Ridge office today at (908) 212-9630 for a free consultation.
Key Factors in Spousal Support Determination
To understand what goes into the final settlement on spousal support, it’s important to consider the rationale and purpose behind it. The state of New Jersey believes that both spouses contribute equally to the marriage, and that those contributions cannot be limited to the income each spouse makes. Spouses contribute in ways that include raising children, caring for aged parents, and countless other sacrifices that don’t necessarily generate income, but are of great value to the marriage and society as a whole.
Therefore, the state calls for each spouse to be able to continue living the lifestyle they enjoyed during the marriage. Or, at the very least, that any loss of living standard is shared equally. Thus, the settlement may include support payments from one spouse to the other to help achieve that objective.
There are as many different situations as there are couples. Spousal support can take different forms and be based on different factors. The ultimate objective is to give an economically disadvantaged spouse the space to rebuild and become self-sufficient. A marriage that lasted less than 20 years cannot have its support payment period last any longer than the marriage itself did.
For more information on related topics, visit our Family Law page.

Your Family's Ally in the Legal System
Here's What Sets Attorney Gary Blaustein Apart
Attorney Blaustein excels at navigating the legal system for complicated family matters; your resolution is top priority.
Your strategy is as unique as your case, and Attorney Blaustein will leave no stone unturned in pursuit of what's best for your family.
With experience across the board in the legal field, Attorney Blaustein has a long track record of winning for clients like you.
As a skilled litigator with decades in the courtroom, Attorney Blaustein is prepared for any direction your case may take.
Does Fault Matter in Spousal Support?
There are several different grounds for divorce in New Jersey and some of them clearly put responsibility for the divorce on one of the spouses. Prime examples include addiction, adultery, and abuse. However, while these factors can play a major role in child custody decisions, they are unlikely to be a significant factor in whether spousal support is awarded.
There are exceptions. A spouse who drained your savings account to finance lavish spending on someone they were unfaithful with may prompt a court to redress the matter with spousal support. Generally, though, unless the at-fault spouse has done something specifically with marital funds that the typical person would find beyond the pale, it’s unlikely this will be used as a factor in determining spousal support.